Statement on Modern Slavery
iON Ambulance Care Ltd (iON) is an independent, privately owned ambulance operator. Our principal activities are the provision of non-emergency, high dependency and emergency patient transport services to NHS hospital and ambulance trusts. A small percentage of our work is in the provision of repatriation services across the country, occasionally from abroad.
This statement is made pursuant to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 30 April 2018. It details the steps we have taken during the financial year to ensure that neither slavery nor human trafficking is taking place in our supply chains or any part of our business and the action we intend to take in pursuit of our ongoing commitment to maintaining high ethical standards.
As a business, we recruit and employ staff as ambulance crews and administration staff. We also procure goods and services on our behalf. Accordingly, we actively monitor and ensure that they have the appropriate policies in place for their employees and suppliers which proactively address issues relating to ethical considerations like, labour, environmental impact, and social contribution throughout their own supply chains. In the case of our clients, who are predominantly NHS ambulance and hospital trusts, these policies are evident in their publicised policy documentation and in their Codes of Business Conduct. We also have a Whistle Blowing Policy in place which encourages our staff to freely raise concerns.
Where we source contractors directly, we have revised our contractual standards to ensure there is an adherence to the polices we have in place from time to time to address issues of ethical business practices.